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Here is the most recent edition (March 22, 2017) of A Deeper Dive, my occasional newsletter. I found that New York counties collect a smaller share of the real property tax pie than they did a generation ago. http://myemail.constantcontact.com/NYS-Counties-and-Real-Property-Tax–in-one-graph-and-less-than-250-words-.html?soid=1126013635788&aid=c5OQ9oN6VoY The topic of the second edition (February 23, 2017) was job growth in New York State. http://myemail.constantcontact.com/New-York-State-Jobs-Growth–in-two-graphs-and-less-than-300-words-.html?soid=1126013635788&aid=_xmkYEJRrhY […]